Saturday 21 February 2015

Busy bee update

Not that I expect to have much of a fan base, this blog is more for me to learn and find time to develop my real passion for fundraising, but I am quite disappointed that recently I have let my blog slip. Can't believe my last blog was 1st January!

Why have I let it slip? Well life really! I think like most things it is about moderation and prioritising, and blogging has not been a priority. I have been raising awareness of the services provided for Maggie's with my new job there, working hard, learning to drive, going out and socialising more with friends I am losing touch with and of course spending lots of time with my new boyfriend! :)

However, I will not let this lack of bloggage continue and will set up 3 blog posts for the coming week as I have a lot to report including:
-Fundraising for Maggie's
-Different ways to fundraise
-Donor and Fundraising Relations

Thursday 1 January 2015

My year in Fundraising (2014)

So where to begin? I hope I don't miss anything out

Bungee Jump for Aberlour!

After raising over £300 for the fantastic Aberlour Childcare Trust (, I completed a terrifying bungee jump, which made me vow to try not to do anything else so frightening! I raised money with minimum effort, which was a change from how I raised my funds to climb Mt Kilimanjaro the year previous. I sold things on ebay, organised a tea party (hand massages, bakes and raffle) and through kind online donations.

Marie Curie - Office and Fundraising

Ok, I didn't help out for long, but gained a decent amount of experience from volunteering with Marie Curie Cancer Care. Not only did I learn how a fundraising office works, but I helped them to promote their BGTP (Blooming Great Tea Party) event which they do annually. I even organised my own tea party, which although it only had 2 people show up, I  still raised the minimum amount of £100, so I am happy with that. Fair enough I fundraised online, and sold on ebay to boost funds, but it still counts, right? One friend, Kelly also baked and raised money from it.

More for Aberlour!
I realised the great work this charity did after my skydive, and I am so amazed at the work they do to support families. Over this year, I worked as a receptionist for Drugs Action, who work wonders to support those affected by drugs and alcohol addiction in Aberdeen city and shire. From my work there, I came into contact with the collaboration between Aberlour and Drugs Action with Families First. For more information: In my time fundraising for Aberlour, I had my first experience of corporate fundraising, by supporting a family event organised for Aberlour and Homestart by french oil company, Total. I also provided PR and social media support for a mother's and baby group who organised a zumba event, and raised a phenomenal amount for Aberlour.

Some final bits I have done to promote fantastic fundraising:
  • Raising awareness of campaigns close to my heart from mental health charities and Macmillan
  • Supporting friends' fantastic fundraising events such as: Paul Greene who did a fab kiltwalk for Aberlour; Hannah Cosgrove Adams who did 2 runs for Race for Life and Baker Hughes - both 10Ks (she is doin more this year too); Ruth Clark's volunteering and fundraising for International Service and now for Raleigh International Service
  • Supported bare faced selfie, where I wore no makeup (hard for most girls especially one with hang-ups about their skin like me). I also donated £5 to a favourite cancer charity, Friends of ANCHOR.
  • Most people participated in the ice bucket challenge, but I was ill at the time but still chose to donate £10 to the great cause!
  • I volunteered for the Royal Voluntary Service after graduating university, while looking for a job.
I have also had some wonderful highlights personally including meeting some great people from working as a consultant for Molton Brown and Philosophy counter in Boots and Drugs Actions.

I had trips to Glasgow including seeing Katy Perry live with my close friend, Kirstin Dorward and on training (being reunited with Julie Sutton).

 I survived university with exam and dissertation stress, which was the worst emotional turmoil I have gone through. However, I got out alive and managed to get my honours degree. Not the grade I wished for, but I still managed to find employment.

In the last month, I got my ideal job as fundraising coordinator for Maggie's, who work to provide emotional, social and practical support for those affected by cancer with the use of a local centre that makes visitors feel at home. 

Not only that, but I also met a great guy, who I wouldn't normally mention after 6 weeks of dating, but already we have had a total of 7 dates or more, and I can see the future with and exchanged the amazing "I love you" words! I love you, Jamie Finlay Lumsden. Here is to another lovely year! 2015, it will be difficult to beat this year, but with plans to abseil, see Black Keys live and have my first city break with the boyfriend, I know it will be getting close.