Saturday 21 February 2015

Busy bee update

Not that I expect to have much of a fan base, this blog is more for me to learn and find time to develop my real passion for fundraising, but I am quite disappointed that recently I have let my blog slip. Can't believe my last blog was 1st January!

Why have I let it slip? Well life really! I think like most things it is about moderation and prioritising, and blogging has not been a priority. I have been raising awareness of the services provided for Maggie's with my new job there, working hard, learning to drive, going out and socialising more with friends I am losing touch with and of course spending lots of time with my new boyfriend! :)

However, I will not let this lack of bloggage continue and will set up 3 blog posts for the coming week as I have a lot to report including:
-Fundraising for Maggie's
-Different ways to fundraise
-Donor and Fundraising Relations