Sunday 30 November 2014

World Aids Day

I am ashamed to say that this year is the only time I have been aware of World Aids Day (WAD), which is embarrassing to me as it is an important cause to support (not that any cause deserves less attention than others). However, in the future I hope to celebrate it every year. I will wear my red ribbon for world aid's day on the 1st December every year!
For those who may have also been oblivious to the existence of WAD, this year is the 26th WAD, and like every year it aims to raise funds for global response to HIV and AIDS, increase awareness, fight stigma, improve education and mobilise resources.

It is an important cause to remember with the red ribbon being worn as a symbol of awareness, support and remembrance of those affected by HIV and AIDS. This day is not just about those living with the virus, but it is also about those who have died from the virus. An estimated 34 million people worldwide are living with this terrible virus, but an upsetting 35 million have actually died from it.

AVERT is a charity, who aim to bring new campaigns out every WAD, but this year I am very proud of their video 'First Date Sex Fail', which encourages those who forget to wear a condom to get tested. It states that it is easy to get carried away, but that it is important to get checked out. Anyone who hasn't seen it, I encourage you to give it a look. Click here

 In its fight to raise awareness, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is encouraging more investment and access to treatment for children. Although 1.1 million infections among children under the age of 15 have been averted, there is still more that needs doing. There has been a fantastic decline of nearly 40% in AIDS-related deaths between 2005 and 2013, but those who are between 10 and 19 are the only age group that is not seeing this decrease.

UNICEF Executive Director, Anthony Lake says, "We must close the gap, and invest more in reaching every mother, every newborn, every child and every adolescent with HIV prevention and treatment programs that can save and improve their lives."

If you want to get involved, I encourage you to check out:

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